This is our Pre - Launch Forum. A free virtual event that will take place on ZOOM. It is designed to introduce our guest speakers as well as to learn more about Flip Your Life. Discover the secret to building in life. No matter what areas in life are due for repairs, or an upgrade, Flip Your Life is a construction-site for mental health, personal and professional development, career development, as well as leadership development.

flip your life book

How I Flipped My Life

Before I can help others flip and transform their lives, I must first take you on my life's construction site. A  lot like many of you, my childhood was extremely damaging, causing my construction site to be very toxic and unattractive. At the early age of 8, I was molested and physically abused by close family members.

The folks in my life ( my support system and team at the time ) were toxic themselves and not very healthy accountability partners. While on my own construction site, I experienced being exposed to drug addictions and a major identity crisis, which later led to a sex addiction, as well as mental and emotional trauma. Growing up as a young adult, my identity and masculinity was troubling and often times, I was very isolated and numb.

In June 2007, I was diagnosed with HIV and quickly became an advocate for others. My construction site seemed to never get beyond the damage, but through the Grace of God and my pursuit for purpose, I decided to keep building. Years later, I made a risky decision and traveled over 3,000 miles away to pursue my dreams as a TV Host. At some point, I transferred all the negative energy and abuse from the past, all into a business. By doing this and never stop building life, I started developing my own therapeutic system. This system helps me still to this day; I call it, "Flip Your Life" I believe that life is a construction site, What and how you build in life, is important.

Today, I have overcome mental illness, an identity crisis, business failure, as well as some personal/professional development trials and errors. I have learned how to turn pain into a process, find purpose, and transform that purpose into profit. Today, my new construction site is a lot different than that of my past. You are on a construction site. Wherever you are, you are building something, and it deserves to be managed and supported. Some of you may need help building a new life, whichever it is, Flip Your Life is for you.

Professional Background: Mental Health, Life Coaching, Workforce Development, both HR and Recruiting Management, Health and Wellness, as well as Business Management, Leadership Development, and more.

Major Platforms: Audience Coordinator's Assistant for The Steve Harvey Show syndicated TV Show Funderdome, as KeyNote for Mercedes Benz HR Supplier Workshop ( 100 + HR Leaders ) Guest Host of The Shelia Smoot Show, HR Assistant for the Hollywood Oscars, Campaign Manager, and Appearance on FOX.