Take the first step towards BUILDING THE LIFE YOU WANT. Parallel to an actual certified architect, Ezekial guides you through the building process, step-by-step, as you navigate your way through life's construction site.

There are 3 STEPS in order to successfully build and manage your new life. These same steps gave birth to, "The ID Architect."

1. Discovery Phase - If you do not know why you exist, or what makes you unique ( Life's Purpose ) - WE BUILT THIS SERVICE FOR YOU
2. Development Phase - Now it's time to Develop what you have just Discovered. That's right, your book can be on the construction site, that business can be on the construction site, whatever direction you want to take in order to build another stream of income, WE BUILT THIS SERVICE FOR YOU
3. Delivery Phase - Are you ready to launch yourself and take your brand or ideas to the next level? WE BUILT THIS SERVICE FOR YOU

The ID Blueprint - One-on-one coaching and training on health and wellness. Identify and BUILD that hidden leader TODAY.
$99/per session